Saturday, July 21, 2012

Last weekend I went with these lovely ladies and some local guys from our ward to this beautiful little lake. The boys brought a rope and tied up a rope swing for us. It was tons of fun going off of the sketchy rope swing and jumping from the trees. After some exploring the boys made a fire and cooked us lunch. That’s right, the boys made us lunch. Because in Fiji boys know how to do things like prepare a dang good meal over a fire. I’m not just talking hot dogs, there was grilled onions, boiled cassava, some sausage; it was impressive.

Much of the time us girls talk about how being in Fiji has raised our standard of what kind of man we want. When you are surrounded by guys that can chop down sugar cane when you have a sweet tooth, guide you through a jungle when you want to hike, and feed you when you are hungry you begin to wonder if you will ever find an American boy like this. Not to mention they are tan year around and they have muscles. We all worry that BYU boys might not be looking so fine after this summer. (Just kidding…but really). 

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